Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Assessment of Tank Aluminum Roofs Stress-Strain State

G.G. Vasilyev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department I.A. Leonovich, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant A.P. Salnikov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia


The problem related to ensuring reliable and accident-free operation of the vertical steel tanks with aluminum dome roof fabricated in Russia is considered.
It is shown that the current methods of assessment of the stress-strain state of the aluminum dome roofs with the use of traditional geodetic devices (theodolites, electronic tachometers) possesses the number of essential shortcomings. To overcome this the new approach is proposed to diagnostics of technical condition of the aluminum dome roofs on the basis of application of technology of three-dimensional terrestrial laser scanning.
For assessment of efficiency of the given technology application as the perspective instrument of technical diagnostics the experimental work was conducted on assessment of the stress-strain state of the tank roof. Within the article the conical roof of Internal Floating Roof Tank (IFRT-5000) tank was considered. Modeling of the main bearing elements of the roof was carried out on the point cloud, which was obtained as a consequence of laser scanning of the roof from inside the tank. Modeling of all bearing elements was carried out considering GOST requirements to their cross dimensions, and taking into account their real geometrical form (deflections, torsions) and real spatial position.
As a result, the authors have received three-dimensional mathematical model of the basic bearing elements of the structure of IFRT-5000 conical roof taking into account all the deviations from design position, which were identified in the process of tank operation.
Obtained three-dimensional mathematical model of IFRT-5000 roof has been used for assessment of its stress-strain state under the influence of operational loads. At assessment of the stress-strain state of the roof the following has been considered: mechanical properties of bearing elements, own weight of the roof metal structures (including the flooring plates), uniform snow load (2 kPa).
The results of the performed work showed high efficiency and extensive prospects of use of the technology of terrestrial laser scanning for assessment of stress-strain state of the aluminum dome roofs for the tanks which are in operation.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-10-11-17
Year: 2017
Issue num: October
Keywords : tank aluminum dome roof terrestrial laser scanning stress-strain stat