Up-to-date Problems of Industrial Safety Expertise Quality

A.M. Kuznetsov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., General Director AO IrkutskNIIkhimmash, Irkutsk, Russia


Minimum requirements for the right to conduct industrial safety expertise (ISE) resulted in the formation of a large number of unfair expert organizations parasitizing on industrial safety which is an important component of the national security. Proposals of expert organizations to carry out industrial safety expertise had exceeded the required volumes on conducting expertise of industrial safety of technical devices, buildings and structures, which led to dumping of prices and worsening in expertise quality. The problem is enhanced by the lack of regulatory documents for calculating actual cost of diagnostic work and industrial safety expertise. Expert organizations and experts are in full financial dependence on the client expertise and deprived of negotiating opportunities when concluding contracts. Payment by the state companies owners of hazardous production facilities for industrial safety expertise in 60–90 days after signing acceptance acts is ruining expert organizations, specialists are leaving the companies as they can not the have normal life without wages for three to five months. Only those expert organizations are survived which do not pay taxes and use illegal schemes to pay salaries. The system of training and certification of experts does not provide for sufficient knowledge and needs to be revised. These and other reasons lead to discretization of procedure of industrial safety expertise. Possible ways of eliminating the above reasons are considered in the article.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-2-29-33
Year: 2018
Issue num: February
Keywords : industrial safety hazardous production facility industrial safety expertise expert Rostechnadzor technical device expert organization