Improving Working Conditions of the Cold Stamping Operators of an Electromechanical Plant by Reducing the Noise Level on the Example of Industrial Enterprises of the Republic of Mordovia


The article touches upon one of the urgent problems of our time, namely, the pollution of the industrial environment by industrial noise. Equipment of the enterprises is characterized by a high productivity, the work is accompanied by a significant number of hazardous and harmful production factors, one of which is an increased noise level. The analysis showed that the increased concentration of this phenomenon acts on the human body as a general biological irritant. Changes caused by noise are interpreted in the medical sciences as a «noise disease», which is characterized by hearing loss, changes in the function of digestion, cardiovascular insufficiency, and a functional disorder of the central nervous system. Another negative aspect of the increased noise level is a decrease in labor productivity.
The study of noise at the section of cold stamping was conducted as part of a special assessment of the working conditions using an ASSISTANT sound level meter of the first class of accuracy. It was established that the main source of noise in the area under consideration is technological equipment. The sound in the workshop spreads evenly in all the directions, reaching the walls, ceiling, floor, as well as various objects. Upon reaching the target, it is partially absorbed, reflected, and passes through it. Over time, as a result of many reflections from the walls, the ceiling and the equipment located in the workshop, the sound waves form a mixed sound. Thus, there is direct and reflected sound in the cold stamping shop. The conducted studies showed that the most appropriate way to protect cold stamping operators is a set of measures that include sound-absorbing lining of the room in combination with the personal protective equipment, namely, noise-protective headphones. The proposed measures will improve working conditions from harmful class 3 to acceptable class 2.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-1-64-70
Year: 2022
Issue num: January
Keywords : noise industrial injuries occupational morbidity working conditions sound absorption coefficient cold stamping
  • Skvortsov A.N.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), FGBOU VO «MGU im. N.P. Ogareva», Saransk, Russia