Considering the Synergetic Effects at Occupational Risk Assessment in Oil Mines


The analytical review of labor conditions in the oil mines of the Yaregskoye field has demonstrated that the majority of work places (82 %) are considered hazardous, of subclass 3.1–3.3. The analysis of the basic process operations for high-viscosity oil production using the thermoshaft method has determined the combinations of hazardous production factors at work places. Studying the diversity of versions and combinations of negative factors and their complex impact on oil mine workers enabled detecting a synergetic effect that increases the risk of development of occupational diseases.
It is established that for occupational risks assessment considering the potential interaction of hazardous production factors and their impact on personnel’s health is crucial. Today, the synergetic effects are not considered for occupational risk assessment in oil mines. Development of a methodological approach to occupational risk assessment including synergy is required.
The suggested method is based on building up a mathematical model for occupational risk assessment with combined effects of negative factors that uses the combined effect coefficient considering the impact of synergetic effect.
Comparing the data on labor conditions’ classes, occupational disease indices and obtained results, including the synergetic effects for the main underground occupations of the oil mines has demonstrated the bias approach for the earlier occupational assessment that neglected occupational risks to health in conditions of combined impact of negative factors. Within calculations, the significance of synergism math model for occupational risk assessment is confirmed.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-9-89-94
Year: 2021
Issue num: September
Keywords : occupational diseases risk assessment hazardous production factors oil mines synergetic effect combined impact methodological approach
  • Fomin A.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher (AO «NTs VostNII», Kemerovo, Russia), Head of the Department (KuzSTU, Kemerovo, Russia)
  • Nor E.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the Department Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russia
  • Grunskoy T.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russia