To the Issue of Safety of Cargo Cableways

A.E. Bryuzgin, Discipline Head, AO «KANEKS TEKhNOLOGIYa», Moscow, Russia V.V. Chernyshev, Deputy Head of Department Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia


High rates of mining industry development in recent years resulted in rethinking of the importance of cargo cableways as one of the types of industrial transport.
Due to the possibility to connect loading and unloading points directly, and at the same time not to depend on the terrain, natural obstacles or artificial structures, the total number of cableways is on the rise. However, exactly the big height of the ropes in combination with the significant effort of their tension (up to 80-100 tons) is an essential sign of cableways hazard.
These and other circumstances require a thorough approach to identification and forecast of hazards, risk assessment of emergency situations and implementation of measures to minimize and eliminate them completely.
Scheme for analyzing the probability and consequences of the identified hazardous events is presented considering presence and efficiency of the applied methods of control.
Maximum possible damage, as well as the probability of its occurrence is assessed for each hazardous situation and classified into the categories based on damage to the cableway or injury sustained by the specific worker. At the design and engineering stage of the cableway, the probability of damage, as a rule, is not always completely clear. Matrix is proposed for assessing both damage of the cableway and injuries to people.
Individual elements of the methodology for assessment and minimization of risks at the design stage of the cargo cableways, which are developed and actively used by the organizations specializing in the field of cable-transport systems are considered in the article. This allowed to significantly reduce the number of accidents on the cable transport.
Compliance with the requirements of safe operation, as well as the technical condition of the cableways, are regularly monitored by the supervision authorities and expert organizations. This requirement is fulfilled rigorously, as a rule, by all the participants of the design, manufacture, construction, operation. It defines the fact that of all known vehicles, the cableways, have the lowest indices on the number of accidents or incidents per unit volume of the transported cargo or the number of passengers.
Cableways have no equal on the sum-total of the parameters such as reliability, durability and safety, including environmental.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-10-60-65
Year: 2018
Issue num: October
Keywords : industrial safety risk assessment cargo cableway hazard identification risk reduction