A.G. Nasibulin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of Laboratory, a.nasibulin@skoltech.ru A.E. Goldt, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Senior Researcher Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo, Russia M.N. Overchenko, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), General Director Orica CIS CJSC, Moscow, Russia
The method is proposed related to marking of industrial explosives using the coding particles on the principle of chemical bar-code in the binary system of coding where figures 1 and 0 show respectively the presence or lack of chemical elements specified in the code. Creation of the unique combination of chemical elements inside each marker is the basis for the methods.
For the objective of obtaining information about the producer, identification of the type and the place of explosives storage it is required to make marking of products by introduction of microcarriers. Marking should contain the code designations of the producing country and explosives producer, lot numbers and the dates of production.
The main complexity when obtaining information on explosives after explosion is material selection. It is required to have confidence that the particles-markers are present for sure in the analyzed sample, and they had not undergone any changes. Use of magnetic particles-markers can reduce labor intensity of the procedure of analysis, and existence of any additional unique signs makes it possible to simplify significantly the process of their identification. The following shall be referred to the main requirements when developing the markers: inertness to explosives; manifestation of magnetic properties for simplification of sampling before explosion and after it; unambiguity of reading the code and the set of unique signs, such as the form, the size, etc.
In article the new method of marking the explosives which meets above-mentioned requirements is considered. The results of industrial tests of the coding particles are presented, the approaches to their identification from the soil samples and decoding are proposed.
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