For the constructive implementation of a risk-oriented approach in the field of ensuring industrial safety, the real guidelines are needed for the existing hazards of accidents, as well as the achieved and desired level of ensuring industrial safety. One of the important indicators of the industrial safety state can be the background risk of accidents, which is recorded not at a separate hazardous production facility, but in the branch systems of hazardous industries. By changing the ratio of the background risk of an accident in the industry and at a specific supervised facility, one can judge the status and the efficiency of industrial safety management systems at an operating hazardous production facility. A hazardous production facility, as the main source of knowledge about hazards and the application of forces in the field of ensuring industrial safety, has the distinctive properties of both «hazard» and «productivity». To assess the state of safety at a hazardous production facility, special indicators are required that show the interaction of the properties of «hazard» and «productivity». The article presents the trends in the proposed indicators of accident hazard in certain industries over the past 25 years. These indicators do not cancel, but only supplement the traditional indicators of accidents and injuries allowing to assess the risk of accidents in the transitional and crisis periods. The background risk of an accident is a representative indicator for assessing the efficiency of using both traditional control and supervision approaches and mastering modern risk-oriented approaches to industrial safety regulation.
For the constructive implementation of a risk-oriented approach in the field of ensuring industrial safety, the real guidelines are needed for the existing hazards of accidents, as well as the achieved and desired level of ensuring industrial safety. One of the important indicators of the industrial safety state can be the background risk of accidents, which is recorded not at a separate hazardous production facility, but in the branch systems of hazardous industries. By changing the ratio of the background risk of an accident in the industry and at a specific supervised facility, one can judge the status and the efficiency of industrial safety management systems at an operating hazardous production facility. A hazardous production facility, as the main source of knowledge about hazards and the application of forces in the field of ensuring industrial safety, has the distinctive properties of both «hazard» and «productivity». To assess the state of safety at a hazardous production facility, special indicators are required that show the interaction of the properties of «hazard» and «productivity». The article presents the trends in the proposed indicators of accident hazard in certain industries over the past 25 years. These indicators do not cancel, but only supplement the traditional indicators of accidents and injuries allowing to assess the risk of accidents in the transitional and crisis periods. The background risk of an accident is a representative indicator for assessing the efficiency of using both traditional control and supervision approaches and mastering modern risk-oriented approaches to industrial safety regulation.
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