Development of the Russian oil and gas fields in the Arctic requires ensuring industrial and environmental safety of conduct of the operations. Large and unique oil and gas condensate fields are discovered in the southern part of the Kara Sea. The Kamennomysskoye-Sea, Severo-Kamennomysskoye, Semakovskoye, Parusovoye, etc. gas condensate fields are located in the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea. The raw material base of the Severo-Obskoye gas condensate field, unique in terms of the reserves, will become the basis for future Arctic LNG projects. Based on the published data, the initial recoverable total hydrocarbon resources in the Ob and Taz bays are about seven billion tons. Active exploration and commissioning of the already discovered fields require the large volumes of well drilling in a freezing sea, the presence of permafrost, and gas hydrates.
During construction of the wells and operation of the offshore ice-resistant oil and gas production platforms, it is required to ensure the disposal of drilling waste (cuttings) and domestic water. There are two technologies for waste disposal — injection into the reservoir or into the clay formations. The first one is used in onshore fields, the second one — on the shelf. Injection into a clay reservoir is successfully used in the Lunskoye gas field on the shelf of the Sakhalin island, and on the Prirazlomnoye oil field in the Pechora Sea. The possibility of using the method and the selection of a reservoir for injecting waste into it requires a geological justification, and the reservoir should ensure a stable injectivity of the required volume.
The article presents the results of modeling the injection into the formation of drilling waste, and the waste of the household activities for the Kamennomysskoe-Sea gas condensate field. Calculation was made concerning the zone of absorption of the technological waste into the designed well of the offshore ice-resistant stationary platform. Formation allocation for waste injection was made according to the data of a complex of offshore wells geophysical studies. Three packs of sandy-argillaceous rocks with high reservoir properties were selected as the object of industrial waste disposal. Сalculation was carried out related to the radius of the spread of waste (effluent) in the target reservoir considering drilling and operation of twenty five wells, the construction of which is planned for five years.
The results of modeling the process of pumping industrial waste of various types into an absorption well showed that the planned volumes can be successfully disposed of in the selected objects. This will allow to ensure functioning of the marine industry and its environmental safety.
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