At the facilities of oil and gas industry for achieving the results in compliance with the fire safety standards it is required to have its own regulatory requirements adapted to the new conditions. Such concepts as the efficiency of regulations in the field of fire safety, the fire situation and its key indicators, and federal state fire supervision are becoming important.
The most common causes of fires at oil refineries are established. The relevance of determining the violations that cause fires and people die is noted. Based on the conclusions about the causes of the fire available in the conclusions of experts, an analysis of the fire that occurred at the Ufa oil refinery with the death of people was carried out. A new approach to the use of expert conclusions, in accordance with regulatory provisions, is noted. Measures were developed to improve departmental fire safety regulations at the oil refineries facilities.
The importance is noted related to establishing a connection between the true causes of fires at oil refineries and regulatory requirements in regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, as well as in the technological regulations of production facilities. The analysis was carried out concerning the current regulations and the violations recorded in them in the field of fire safety at oil refineries.
A new approach to conducting inspections of oil and gas industry facilities is proposed considering the conclusions presented in the acts of investigation of incidents of oil refineries. It is proposed to develop new regulations for oil and gas industry enterprises based on the true causes of fires.
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