V.A. Sayechnikov, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the Department Belarusian State University S.A. Zolotoy, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director D.S. Kotov, group head, kotov.sergei.g@gmail.com Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise «Geoinformation Systems» E.V. Novikov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Director Institute of the up-to-date technologies of communication S.G. Kotov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Department head MChS of the Republic of Belarus
The results are summarized related to the long-term operation of the hardware-software complexes for monitoring chemically hazardous object and control of the actions of on-duty dispatch personnel, which were developed by the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise «Geoinformation Systems» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and controlling the actions of the on-duty dispatch personnel. The results of complexes operation showed that the meteorological conditions are often changing greatly during a short period of time. They confirmed the conclusion drawn in many scientific works on the need to take into account the meteorological conditions changes during liquidation of an emergency situation.
Gas-dynamic models allow for forecasting the formation of the contamination zone in changing meteorological conditions, and along with that they are complicated, and are not currently used for forecasting contamination zones in emergency situations at the chemically hazardous objects. Simple semi-empirical models, Gaussian dispersion models and the models of dispersion based on the integral conservation laws allow for forecasting the contamination zones for different meteorological conditions, however the issue of their use for modeling the dynamics of the formation of contamination zones under changing conditions has not been resolved.
The work for the first time summarizes the results of the research carried out at the Belarusian State University and the Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise «Geoinformation Systems» of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus related to modeling of the dynamics of formation of maximum contamination zone in changing meteorological conditions by way of example of a semi-empirical model, including the results obtained under the scope of the project of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research «Development of basic elements of technology of visualization of the contamination zones with emergency chemical hazardous substances at changing meteorological conditions».
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