The main documents are described in the article which determine the principles and participants of the procedure for extending the service life of the critical equipment in various sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation (defence — military equipment, aviation — aviation equipment, power engineering — equipment of nuclear power plants, hazardous production facilities). It is shown that the state is acting as the regulator of the procedure for extending the equipment life in the first three cases. The document regulating service life extension is the normative legal act, the initiator of the beginning of the procedure for extending the service life is, as a rule, the owner/operator of the equipment. In the procedure of the service life extension, several interested parties are involved: the owner; developer (designer/structural designer); manufacturer (both as a whole, and components); scientific or specialized organization conducting research and tests; the state. The decision on extension of the service life is made taking into account the operating conditions, safety requirements for life and health of people, environmental protection, as well as the actual condition of the equipment. The procedure for service life extension is «not related» to the procedure of expertise or conformity assessment. In Rostechnadzor there is no normative legal act that clearly regulates the procedure for extending the term of safe operation of technical devices, equipment and structures operated at hazardous production facilities. The current Rules for conducting industrial safety expertise illegally broadly interpret the provisions of Federal Law № 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities», establishing that the assessment of the actual condition should be made by means of technical diagnostics, which is carried out not for the purpose of identifying compliance of technical device with industrial safety requirements, but for the purpose of residual life estimation.
A.S. Pecherkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., First Dep. General Dir., STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia
The main documents are described in the article which determine the principles and participants of the procedure for extending the service life of the critical equipment in various sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation (defence — military equipment, aviation — aviation equipment, power engineering — equipment of nuclear power plants, hazardous production facilities). It is shown that the state is acting as the regulator of the procedure for extending the equipment life in the first three cases. The document regulating service life extension is the normative legal act, the initiator of the beginning of the procedure for extending the service life is, as a rule, the owner/operator of the equipment. In the procedure of the service life extension, several interested parties are involved: the owner; developer (designer/structural designer); manufacturer (both as a whole, and components); scientific or specialized organization conducting research and tests; the state. The decision on extension of the service life is made taking into account the operating conditions, safety requirements for life and health of people, environmental protection, as well as the actual condition of the equipment. The procedure for service life extension is «not related» to the procedure of expertise or conformity assessment. In Rostechnadzor there is no normative legal act that clearly regulates the procedure for extending the term of safe operation of technical devices, equipment and structures operated at hazardous production facilities. The current Rules for conducting industrial safety expertise illegally broadly interpret the provisions of Federal Law № 116-FZ of July 21, 1997 «On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities», establishing that the assessment of the actual condition should be made by means of technical diagnostics, which is carried out not for the purpose of identifying compliance of technical device with industrial safety requirements, but for the purpose of residual life estimation.
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