Study of Nature Protection Possibilities when Leaching Uranium in the Stack

V.I. Golik, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, FGBOU VPO «North Caucasian State Technological University», Vladikavkaz, Russia O.G. Burdzieva, Candidate of Science (Geography), laboratory head FGBUN Geophysical Institute of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of RAS, Vladikavkaz, Russia


It is shown that increase in labor safety at mining for metals from the offgrade uranium ores — a very big problem up-to-date for the development of metal mineral deposits. When the offgrade metallic resources are involved in production the hydrometallurgical methods are developing, which significantly increase the extraction of metals compared to traditional technologies of enrichment. The analysis of results of experimental leaching of uranium ore in a stack with the use of up-to-date achievements of science and technology is given in the Article. The organization of works on uranium leaching and regulation of the technological parameters at all the stages of leaching is detailed that allows for assessing on a case by case basis the processes on indicators of technology hazard in general. Data are given on consumption of chemicals and materials on leaching, indicators of metal extraction to production solution and from solution, and also neutralization of mother waters at discharge to the environment. The resultant indicators of leaching in the stack are systematized and provided. General and specific factors of the effect of harmful production on the environment are noted. It is proved that progressive current technology of leaching in the stack on the level of hazard for those involved in production and for the environment in general not too much differ from the traditional nature destroying methods of metal extraction. It only reduces the content of metals in the secondary tails, and doesn't solve the problem of zero waste, in essence, increasing the number of cycles of handling with chemically hazardous products. The conclusion is made that in order to actually eliminate the real danger of radioactive impact the complete utilization of the off-grade metal raw materials is required.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-3-41-45
Year: 2017
Issue num: March
Keywords : labor safety uranium ore hydrometallurgy methods of metal extraction stack leaching environment
  • Golik V.I., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., NKMMI (GTU), Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation; Prof., Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Burdzieva O.G.
    Cand. Sci. (Geogr.), Laboratory Head GPI VSC RAS, Vladikavkaz, Russia