I.A. Tararychkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., donbass_8888@mail.ru Lugansk National University named after V. Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine
The possibilities of using different strategies and schemes for pipeline transport objects protection against progressive damages and limiting the consequences of emergency situations development are considered in the article. It is established that the effectiveness of protection depends on the number of protected elements and their position in the scope of network facilities. It is shown that the selection of defense strategy depends on the structural specifics of the pipeline system, and possible protection schemes can be multivariate. Selection of the best protection option from the available set of alternatives is associated with the use of such calculated criteria as the indicator of resistance and the cost of protective measures. The example of complex pipeline system is given, which protection is associated with the implementation of different defense strategies with respect to individual fragments of the network structure. At the same time, for each of the system fragments under consideration, the requirements should be established to ensure resistance to the emergency situation development by the mechanism of progressive damage. It is shown that different strategies have their own peculiarities and areas of rational application.
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