Pulse fire extinguishing was actively developing. There is a wide range of impulse fire extinguishing devices on the market. However, existing standards do not cover the entire class of these products. Hence there are problems with their certification. To date, two standards are approved and in force: GOST R 53291—2009 «Fire-fighting equipment. Mobile and portable fire extinguishing devices with high-speed delivery of fire extinguishing agent. General technical requirements. Test methods», and GOST R 53286—2009 «Fire-fighting equipment. Automatic powder fire-extinguishing installations. Modules. General technical requirements. Test methods». Two more standards are under development: one of them is essentially a slightly modified version of GOST R 53291—2009 — it will be given the status of interstate; the second supplements GOST R 53286—2009 and concerns installations and modules for gas-powder fire extinguishing.
Impulse fire extinguishing installations with self-foaming gas-aerosol-filled foam are not subject to the listed standards for technical requirements and test methods. This applies primarily to the requirements for the volume of vessels used to obtain foam and displace it from there, as well as for the operating time of the pulse fire extinguishing installation, measuring the rate of exit of the fire extinguishing agent, calculating this rate according to the graph of pressure change in the vessel, etc. Therefore, for these installations a separate standard is required. In this case, in general, it is required to give clear definitions of what is meant by impulse fire extinguishing and impulse fire extinguishing installations.
2. Interstate standard. GOST (draft RU, final version). Fire fighting equipment. Portable and mobile fire extinguishing devices with high-speed supply of extinguishing agent. General technical requirements. Test methods. Minsk: Evraziyskiy sovet po standartizatsii, metrologii i sertifikatsii, 2023. 48 p. (In Russ.).
3. Interstate standard. GOST (draft RU, final version). Firefighting equipment. Installations and modules of gas-powder fire extinguishing are automatic. General technical requirements. Test methods. Moscow, 2018. 48 p. (In Russ.).
4. GOST R 53286—2009. Fire equipment. Automatic powder fire extinguishing installations. Modules. General technical requirements. Test methods. Moscow: Standartinform, 2009. 24 p. (In Russ.).
5. Portable backpack for firefighting IFEX. Available at: https://ifex3000.ru/solutions/ryukzak-ifex-3012/ (accessed: June 09, 2023). (In Russ.).
6. Mobile trolley for pulse fire extinguishing IFEX 3035/3050. Available at: https://ifex3000.ru/solutions/ifex-3035-3050-telezhka/ (accessed: June 09, 2023). (In Russ.).
7. IFEX 3072 module for pulse fire extinguishing. Available at: https://ifex3000.ru/solutions/blok-bystrogo-reagirovaniya-ifeh-fast-atta/ (accessed: June 09, 2023). (In Russ.).
8. Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment. Available at: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/1997/23/oj?locale=en (accessed: June 09, 2023).
9. Installation of pulse fire extinguishing knapsack «Vityaz UIP-1» TU RB 07507162.025-98. Available at: https://pandia.ru/text/80/531/11300.php (accessed: June 09, 2023). (In Russ.).
10. Knapsack fire extinguishing system Igla-1-0,4: purpose and characteristics. Available at: https://fireman.club/statyi-polzovateley/rantsevaya-ustanovka-pozharotusheniya-igla-1-0-4/ (accessed: June 09, 2023). (In Russ.).
11. Kopylov N.P., Rodionov E.S., Chibisov A.L. Non-standard technical fire protection systems. Yubileynyy sbornik trudov VNIIPO (Anniversary collection of works of VNIIPO). Moscow: VNIIPO, 1997. pp. 438–451. (In Russ.).
12. Khlopotov A. Mysterious Impulse. Available at: https://warspot.ru/3080-zagadochnyy-impuls (accessed: June 09, 2023). (In Russ.).
13. SP 155.13130.2014. Set of rules. Warehouses of oil and oil products. Fire safety requirements. Moscow: MChS Rossii, 2013. 51 p. (In Russ.).
14. Abugov D.I., Bobylev V.M. Theory and calculation of solid propellant rocket engines. Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1987. 272 p. (In Russ.).
15. Loytsyanskiy L.G. Mechanics of liquid and gas. Moscow: Nauka, 1987. 840 p. (In Russ.).