Improvement of the Thermocouple Method for Testing Energy-Intensive Emulsions for Compatibility with the Sulfide Ores


The results are presented concerning improving the thermostatic method for studying the chemical compatibility of modern industrial emulsion explosives based on the ammonium nitrate with surrounding materials, the increased reactivity of which can lead to spontaneous ignition and even explosion. An assessment of the compatibility of emulsion explosives with sulphide ores was conducted using an original thermocouple methodology developed at the D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, fixation of the thermal effects of the interaction of shell-free explosives based on the ammonium nitrate with sulfide minerals.

Improved thermocouple method allows to determine chemical compatibility of the industrial explosives with the reactive rocks. It is distinguished by the possibility of continuous recording of the thermocouple measurements during tests using an oscilloscope and combines the reliability of the results with small laboratory weights of the test samples (no more than 20 g, which ensures safety testing). Temperature measurement accuracy is ± 2 °С. It is concluded that the method used is able to identify the cases of the most dangerous interaction from the practice point of view using the emulsion explosives when the pyrite content in the ore exceeds 85 %.

The results of experiments on the applicability of thermocouple measurements to testing low-activity rocks, highly reactive pyrite ores, mixed sulfide ores of medium activity, as well as on the identification of the main regularities of heat release during the interaction of emulsion explosives with the sulfide ores are considered.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-11-58-63
Year: 2021
Issue num: November
Keywords : drilling and blasting operations explosives sulfide ores ammonium nitrate thermocouple method chemical compatibility self-heating
  • Akinin N.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Garmashov A.S.
    Candidate, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia
  • Rudomazin V.V.
    Deputy Head Federal State Autonomous Institution «Environmental Industrial Policy Center», Mytishchi, Russia