The issue of occupational safety improving methods has been considered based on the example of a single enterprise. The area of improvement of activities a priori aiming at occupational safety has been chosen. In particular, the optimization of risk management stages at the workplace has been proposed.
A risk management methodology consisting of standard stages (identification, assessment, management) but including separate improved levels or elements has been developed. A set of tables for volumetric, qualitative, and quantitative identification of hazards enabling the reduction of the number of unaccounted risks at the workplace has been formed. For the risk assessment stage, the application of an increasing human factor coefficient that reflects the individual characteristics of an employee affecting risk levels at the workplace has been proposed. For the relevant cases, it is recommended to use the machinery equipment assessment model to detect more risks at the workplace equipped with a machine. The occupational risk management stage has been improved due to differentiated and clarified formulations of hazards, which allows for choosing a correct and efficient measure. The methodology is also supplemented with a set aiming at occupational and industrial stress. For the identification stage, a set of parameters has been selected to determine psychosocial risks. The risk management process has been improved in the part of stress factors.
In order to substantiate the performance and efficiency of the improved methodology as compared with the methodology applied at the enterprise, a comparative analysis of the two methodologies has been conducted at 10 different workplaces. The data confirming the increase of performance and efficiency of the improved methodology has been provided, which logically, on the condition of the consistent implementation of all occupational risk management stages, will reduce risks at the workplace and the number of industrial injuries, and ensure increased occupational safety.
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