Improvement and Development of the Operational Management Systems for Occupational and Industrial Safety


In modern conditions, the program of a coal enterprise development is governed primarily by the economic factors. Despite the favorable trends, the state of industrial safety in the coal industry remains dissatisfactory, and the anti-accidental stability of the Russian coal enterprises requires improvement. Reliability of functioning of any complex technical system, namely, such as the modern mine seems to be, is determined primarily by human actions. More than 50 % of accidents in the technogenic sphere are caused by the human errors, therefore the decisive role in improving reliability of modern engineering systems belongs to the professional specialization and information provision of the employee operating in the system.

Based on the analysis of accidents and injuries rate, the most important tasks are assigned to: improvement of the legislative framework and normative-legal acts in the field of industrial safety; development of the integrated systems for the objective continuous monitoring of technologies and safety parameters; development and implementation in the industrial production of the integrated computer technologies in the field of industrial and occupational safety in the coal industry. State programs for the coal industry development provide for: introduction of the specialized software that allows to avoid emergency situations in the mines; systemic use of the multifunctional safety system in mining operations; management and control of the technological and production processes in both normal and emergency situations.

Among these systems of the automated control of production processes is the specialized software package for pocket PC (smartphone, pad) designed for automation control over collection, processing of primary information in the electronic form.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-9-22-25
Year: 2019
Issue num: September
Keywords : industrial safety occupational safety motivation software package industrial control employee industrial facilities manager integrated protection anti-accidental stability