G.I. Smelkov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate, fire_test_cable@mail.ru A.I. Ryabikov, Department Head E.V. Kuznetsova, Senior Researcher FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, Balashikha, Russia
On the basis of statistic data analysis, it is established that electric wiring — the most fire-hazardous among electrical equipment. According to the requirements of the Federal law of July 22, 2008 № 123-FL «Technical regulations on fire safety requirements», highly important index of electric wiring fire safety for objects fire protection systems — maintaining working capacity (fire resistance) under the conditions of fire during the time period required for implementation of functions of these systems and evacuation of people to a safe zone. In this regard the results of electric wiring tests on fire resistance executed in FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia were summed up, some terminological aspects characterizing resistance of electric wiring to maintaining their functionality in case of thermal effect are considered.
Proposals on updating and making actual of GOST R 53316—2009 taking into account the received comments, revealed shortcomings and also existing requirements of Rosstandart related to the international harmonization of the normative documents were stated. Main changes were considered which are provided in the new edition of this normative document under the name «Electric wiring. Maintaining working capacity (fire resistance) under the conditions of the standard thermal effect. Test methods». Need in introduction of the number of changes and clarifications concerning the description of the test bench (furnace), conditions of placement and fixing of the tested samples in the combustion chamber, regulation of the requirements to the metering equipment, protective and alarm equipment, updating and replacement of types of cable products design at fire-resistant electrical conduit is analyzed in the article. Introduction of the section for classification of electric wiring on fire resistance limits will also become an important addition.
1. GOST IEC 60331-21—2011. Ispytaniya elektricheskikh i opticheskikh kabeley v usloviyakh vozdeystviya plameni. Sokhranenie rabotosposobnosti. Chast 21. Provedenie ispytaniy i trebovaniya k nim. Kabeli na nominalnoe napryazhenie do 0,6/1,0 kV vklyuchitelno (GOST IEC 60331-21—2011. Tests of electric and optical cables under the conditions of fire effect. Maintaining working capacity. Part 21. Carrying out tests and the requirement to them. Cables on rated voltage up to 0.6/1.0 kV inclusive). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200098809 (accessed: July 20, 2017).
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4. GOST R MEK 60050-826—2009. Ustanovki elektricheskie. Terminy i opredeleniya (GOST R IEK 60050-826 — 2009. Electric installations. Terms and definitions). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/464661892 (accessed: July 20, 2017).
5. GOST 31565—2012. Kabelnye izdeliya. Trebovaniya pozharnoy bezopasnosti (GOST 31565—2012. Cable products. Fire safety requirements). Available at: http://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4293780/4293780771.pdf (accessed: July 20, 2017).
6. Tekhnicheskiy reglament o trebovaniyakh pozharnoy bezopasnosti (s izmeneniyami na 13 iyulya 2015 g.): feder. zakon ot 22 iyulya 2008 g. № 123-FZ (Technical regulations on fire safety requirements (as amended of July 13, 2015): Federal Law of July 22, 2008 № 123-FL). 5-e izd., isp. Ser. 19. Iss. 1. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2017. 198 p.
7. GOST 30247.0—94 (ISO 834—75). Konstruktsii stroitelnye. Metody ispytaniy na ognestoykost. Obshchie trebovaniya (GOST 30247.0—94 (ISO 834—75). Building structures. test methods Fire resistance test methods. General requirements). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/9055248 (accessed: July 20, 2017).
8. GOST R 53316—2009. Kabelnye linii. Sokhranenie rabotosposobnosti v usloviyakh pozhara. Metod ispytaniy (GOST R 53316—2009. Cable lines. Preservation of working capacity under the conditions of fire. Test method). Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200082424 (accessed: July 20, 2017).
9. Smelkov G.I., Ryabikov A.I., Tochilkin Yu.V. Problems related to the regulation of electric wiring fire resistance indicators (working capacity). Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Safety. 2015. № 3. pp. 129–135.
10. Smelkov G.I., Ryabikov A.I., Tochilkin Yu.V. Problems related to ensuring fire resistance indicators (working capacity) of electric wiring. Pozharnaja bezopasnost = Fire Safety. 2016. № 4. pp. 130–137.