The sustainability of the development of the northern territories of Russia from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean, where the bulk of the country natural resources is concentrated in the twenty-first century, is determined by the integrated approach to planning and managing the risks of using machines, structures and equipment, critical and hazardous industrial facilities and technological support and support at the stages of their operation. Climatic factors have a noticeable effect on increasing the risks of abnormal situations occurrence in emergency situations, for example, on the efficiency of fire departments activity in the winter period of the year and at extinguishing fires in harsh climatic conditions, when water may freeze inside the hoses and in the working chamber of the feed pump.
Due to a malfunction in the fire equipment, the scale of the territory covered by the flames can significantly increase, and the extinguishing process will become more complicated.
Operability of the hose lines in low temperature conditions is calculated using Methodological Recommendations for ensuring the operability of pump and hose systems of fire trucks when extinguishing fires in the conditions of extremely low temperatures, determining the maximum length of the hose line before icing begins. It is shown in the paper that the maximum length of the hose line, that is, the distance from the pump to the beginning of icing, should be calculated using the heat balance equation, which is based on two equations of the first law of thermodynamics — for flow and heat transfer. At the same time, it is required to combine thermal and hydraulic calculations.
The methods are presented in the article for predicting the operability of pumps and hose lines in the conditions of extremely low ambient temperatures, used in fire truck systems for extinguishing fires, including at the energy facilities. It is shown that there are errors and shortcomings in the Methodological Recommendations for ensuring the operability of pump and hose systems of the fire trucks when extinguishing fires in the conditions of extremely low ambient temperatures, including at the energy facilities. It is also shown that the maximum length of the hole line, that is, the distance from the pump to the beginning of icing, should be calculated using the heat balance equation, which is based on two equations of the first law of thermodynamics — for flow and heat transfer.
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