Mine Testing of the CoalAwakeningBeast Gas Flow Meter for the Сurrent Outburst Hazard Forecast


In the mines developing coal seams that are dangerous and threatened by the sudden outbursts, the current forecast of outburst hazard of coal seams is carried out. It is based on the estimate of initial outgassing from freshly drilled control holes.

At present, gas flow measurement is conducted using mechanical pressure meters PG2-MA and IG-1. Assessment from the readings is approximate. This leads to false results. An erroneous «not dangerous» prediction can lead to obtaining a sudden release. A false «dangerous» forecast forces the implementation of technically unjustified and costly blowout preventive measures.

The modern mine methane flowmeter CoalAwakeningBeast was developed based on the hot-wire measurement principle and with electronic information processing. The device has a flow sensor passage section increased by orders of magnitude, not clogged with dust, dust coal and water. The hot-wire sensor works stably even in the presence of dust. Digital processing of the measurement signal, as well as the accumulation and presentation of reliable information obtained by the mine flowmeter, significantly increase the accuracy of the current outburst hazard forecast. The conditions are being created for a significant reduction in the danger of working in the deep coal mines.

Metrological software for electronic flowmeters was created and certified, including a reference installation and a method for checking the device with clean air (instead of methane). This makes the technological processes of adjustment and verification in the plant safe. The device is produced in an explosion-proof version. Mine tests confirmed its advantages in difficult conditions of outburst and especially outburst coal seams. It is recommended to use this flow meter in the mines instead of pressure meters.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-1-23-29
Year: 2023
Issue num: January
Keywords : forecast intrinsic safety outburst hazard hot-wire anemometer metrological support mine tests outgassing rate microprocessor