A.L. Terekhov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Senior Research Associate, a_terekhov@vniigaz.gazprom.ru OOO Gazprom VNIIGAS, Moscow, Russia
More than 30 % of work places at the enterprises of hydrocarbons production and transportation are characterized by harmful working conditions. One of the main factors influencing the employees of the enterprises of fuel and energy complex is noise.
Unsatisfactory state of working conditions on factor «noise in industry» has caused the need in development and introduction of new normative documents. The analysis of the new rules regulating effect of acoustic factors (noise, vibration, infrasound, ultrasound) at the workplaces according to sanitary and epidemiologic rules and norms SanPiN—2016 is presented. The list of the new normative and technical documents in the field of protection against the increased noise developed and approved in 2015–2016 is given.
On the basis of long-term experience of successful performance of actions for noise reduction, in gas industry it is proposed to solve the problem of protection against noise by introduction of complex of actions taking into account technical capabilities and costs for their development. In practice the noise reduction of gas transmission enterprises the planning — architectural and acoustic — construction methods are used. Main ways of this group of methods: rational relative positioning of shops with different noise levels, optimization of rooms space-planning solutions, layout of the equipment and organization of professional route of maitenance considerig equipment noise characteristics, ensurig appropriate sound insulation of the enclosures; lining of walls and ceilings by sound-absorbing structures, and use of piece sound absorbers; installation of soundproof cabins, acoustic screens and shields.
Selection of specific action and its efficiency depend on working conditions: nature of technological process, noise characteristics, required noise reduction, characteristics of the room.
It is proved that in PAO Gazprom there is a scientific basis for noise reduction at work places developed by OOO Gazprom VNIIGAZ according to the requirements the SanPiN—2016.
1. Ivanov N.I., Shashurin A.E., Butorina M.V. Legislative Regulation in the Field of Noise in the Russian Federation: Shortcomings and Problems of Improvement. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 15–23.
2. Towards a Comprehensive Noise Strategy. Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy. Environment, Public, Health and Food Safety, 2012. 82 p.
3. Vasileva I.N., Bespalov V.G. Comparative Analysis of Physical Factors Effect on the Cell Genom. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 186–195.
4. Vasilyeva I., Bespalov V., Baranova A. Radioprotective combination of α-tocopherol and ascorbicacid promotes apoptosis that is evident by release of lowmolecular weight DNA fragments into circulation. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 2015. Vol. 91. № 11. pp. 872–877.
5. Vasilyeva I.N., Ivtchik T.V., Voznyuk I.A. Low-molecular-weight DNA of blood plasma as an indicator of pathological process. Circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum. New York: Springer, 2011. pp. 165–170.
6. Antunes E., Oliveira P., Oliveira M.J., Brito J., Aguas A., Martinsdos S.J. Histomorphometric evaluation of the coronary artery vessels in rats submitted to industrial noise. Acta Cardiol. 2013. Vol. 68. № 3. pp. 285–289.
7. Zinkin V.N., Sheshegov P.M. Aviation Noise: Risk of Deterioration of Human Health and Prevention Measures. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 493–521.
8. Sannikova E.A. Occupational Safety and Health Protection. Production Factors Effect on Life Time. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 655–657.
9. Popov V.L., Popova N.P. Jurisdiction on Noise Abatement in the Production Environment of Prevention. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 708–713.
10. Cukernikov I.E., Shubin I.L., Nevenchannaja T.O. New Rules for Specifying Acoustic Factors at the Workplaces and Designing of Protection against Increased Noise. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 25–37.
11. SanPiN—2016. Sanitarno-jepidemiologicheskie trebovanija k fizicheskim faktoram na rabochih mestah (SanPiN — 2016. Sanitary and Epidemiologic Requirements to Physical Factors at the Workplaces). Available at: http:files.stroyinf.ru>Index2/1/4293753/4293753139.htm. (accessed: March 29, 2017).
12. GOST R 54500.1—2011. Rukovodstvo ISO/MJeK 98-1:2009. Neopredelennost izmerenija. Vvedenie v rukovodstvo po neopredelennosti izmerenija (GOST R 54500.1 — 2011. Management of ISO/IEC 98-1:2009. Uncertainty of Measurement. Introduction to the Guide on Uncertainties of Measurement). Moscow: Standartinform, 2012. 23 p.
13. Terehov A.L., Semencev A.M. Decrease in Professional Risks at Compressor Stations. Gazovaja promyshlennost = Gas Industry. 2017. № 2. pp. 24–28.
14. Terehov A.L. Management of Professional Risks at Noisy Enterprises of PAO Gazprom. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 49–63.
15. STO Gazprom 2-3.5-041—2005. Katalog shumovyh harakteristik gazotransportnogo oborudovanija (STO Gazprom 2-3.5-041—2005. Catalog of Noise Characteristics of Gas Transmission Equipment). Moscow: VNIIGAZ, 2005. 7 p.
16. Terehov A.L., Drobaha M.N. Sovremennye metody snizhenija shuma GPA (Up-to-date Methods of GPA Noise Reduction). Saint-Petersburg, 2008. 368 p.
17. R 51-00158623-26—96. Metodika izmerenija shumovyh harakteristik gazoperekachivajushhih agregatov s gazoturbinnym privodom (R 51-00158623-26—96. Methods of Noise Characteristics Measurement for Gas Pumping Units with Gas-Turbine Drive). Moscow: VNIIGAZ, 1999. 27 p.
18. R 51-00158623-18—92. Tipovaja metodika akusticheskih ispytanij opytnyh i serijnyh obrazcov GPA (R 51-00158623-18—92. Typical Methods of Acoustic Testing of Experimental and Serial GPA Samples). Moscow: VNIIGAZ, 1999. pp. 17.
19. Metodika rascheta urovnja shuma ot KS na mestnosti (Methods of Noise Level Calculation from KS at Ground Location). Moscow: VNIIGAZ, 1999. 24 p.
20. STO Gazprom 2-2.1-127—2007. Reglament provedenija akusticheskogo rascheta na stadii proektirovanija kompressornyh stancij, dozhimnyh kompressornyh stancij, kompressornyh stancij podzemnyh hranilishh gaza (STO Gazprom 2-2.1-127—2007. Regulation for Conducting Acoustic Calculation at the Design Stage of Compressor Stations, Booster Compressor Stations, Compressor Stations of Underground Gas Storages). Moscow: IRC Gazprom, 2007. 45 p.
21. R 51-00158623-19—92. Tehnologicheskij reglament po raschetu akusticheskih harakteristik pri proektirovanii meroprijatij po zashhite ot shuma v TJeO sistemy dobychi i magistralnogo transporta gaza s poluostrova Jamal (R 51-00158623-19—92. Process Procedure for Calculating Acoustic Characteristics at Designing of Actions on Protection Against Noise in TEO of the System of Production and Gas Main Transport from the Yamal Peninsula). Moscow: VNIIGAZ, 1999. 67 p.
22. SP 51.13330.2011. Zashhita ot shuma (SP 51.13330.2011. Protection against Noise). Moscow: OAO «CPP», 2010. 42 p.
23. STO Gazprom 2-3.5-043—2005. Zashhita ot shuma tehnologicheskogo oborudovanija OAO «Gazprom» (STO Gazprom 2-3.5-043 — 2005. Protection against Noise of OAO Gazprom Process Equipment). Moscow: IRC Gazprom, 2005. 36 p.
24. Zapletnikov I.N., Sevatorova I.S. Assessment of Equipment Quality on its Noise Characteristics. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 264–270.
25. Bazhenova L.A. Sources of Noises and Vibrations of Aerodynamic Origin and the Methods of their Decrease in the Ship Fans. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 451–474.
26. Shhelokov Ju.A. Design of Sound Insulation of Walls with Frame Lining. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 369–375.
27. Kalinichenko M.V., Bulkin V.V. Noise-Attenuating Screens on the Basis of Helmholtz Resonators: Possibilities of Application for Decrease in Noise Level. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 412–419.
28. Soldatov S.K., Bogomolov A.V., Ryzhenkov S.P., Kukushkin Ju.A., Chistov S.A. Experience of Ensuring Personified Acoustic Protection of Aviation Specialists. Zashhita ot povyshennogo shuma i vibracii: sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunar. uchastiem (Protection against Increased Noise and Vibration: Collection of Reports. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation). Saint-Petersburg, 2017. pp. 93–99.