O.E. Khomenko, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., vilyashenko2017@gmail.com M.N. Kononenko, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. National Technical University «Dneprovskaya Politekhnika», Dnepr, Ukraine
Investigations were conducted in the field of the development of the decorative jaspilites in the energetically disturbed zones of massifs based on the results of the analysis of the rock pressure energy manifestation around the underground workings. Physical essence of the phenomenon of zonal capsulation of the underground workings is revealed. Physical properties of the rocks and the new hypotheses about the rock pressure were analyzed considering the assessment of the degree of stability of the outcrops, detection of the regularities of their deformation and destruction, linking the ores and rocks extraction in time and space, identification of the structural elements parameters of the development systems, fixing methods and the corresponding types of the supports. The results of industrial, laboratory and theoretical researches on standard and developed methods were studied. The parameters of the structural elements of the adopted field development system are justified: the dimensions of the room fender chambers along the strike and fall of the rocks, the width of the room fender, the thickness of the inclined ceiling and intermediate mass, the number of the shrink stoping along the fall of ground and the strike of the rocks considering 15-fold safety factor. The economic estimation is given related to the proposed technology based on the lag of the second working on jaspilites from mining works on iron ore: the estimated profit for the mine is 8.6 million dollars per year. Additions were made to the current manuals. Stable parameters are recommended concerning the extraction blocks of the sub-chamber development system, with which the monoliths are extracted for the stone working industry in Ukraine, while the ratio of the prices of merchantable ore and large-block jaspilite is 1:6.
1. Khomenko O.E. Geoenergetics of the ore deposits underground mining. Dnepropetrovsk: DVNZ NGU, 2016. 242 p. (In Russ.).
2. Stupnik M., Kalinichenko V., Pysmennyi S., Kalinichenko О., Fedko M. Method of simulating rock mass stability in laboratory conditions using equivalent materials. Mining of Mineral Deposits. 2016. Vol. 10. Iss. 3. pp. 46–51.
3. Andrєєv B.M. Scientific substantiation of the technology and the parameters of blasting at underground mining of ores in the conditions of technogenesis of the subsurface resources: Author abstract… Doctor of Technical Science. Krivoy Rog: KTU, 2006. 36 p. (In Ukr.).
4. Khomenko O.E., Kononenko M.N., Mironova I.G., Yurchenko K.O. Ways of the technogenic burden reduction on the mining regions of Ukraine. Zbіrnik naukovikh prats NGU = Collection of NGU Scientific Works. 2017. № 51. pp. 77–83. (In Russ.).
5. Stupnik N., Kalinichenko V., Pismennyi S. Pillars sizing at magnetite quartzites room-work. Mining of Mineral Deposits. 2013. pp. 11–15.
6. Netecha M.V., Shevchenko S.V., Strilets O.P. Jaspilites and other gemstones of post-jaspilite genesis: mining, treatment, and enhancement. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho hirnychoho universytetu. 2017. № 2. pp. 28–33.
7. Proskuryakov O.A., Baranov P.N., Shevchenko S.V., Matyushkina O.P. Regularities in growth and development of the mineral and raw materials base of the raw gemstones of Ukraine. Koshtovne ta dekorativne kamіnnya = Precious and Decorative Stones. 2013. № 3. pp. 25–29. (In Russ.).
8. Khomenko O.Є., Netecha M.V. Patent № 91709 Ukraїna. Method of mineral resources extraction. Applied: February 11, 2008. Published: August 25, 2010. Bulletin № 16. (In Ukr.).
9. Kolokolov O.V., Khomenko O.Є., Netecha M.V. Technology of jaspilita mining at the mines of Krivoy Rog iron ore basin. Naukoviy vіsnik NGU = NGU Scientific Herald. 2006. № 7. pp. 3–7. (In Ukr.).
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12. Khomenko O.E., Kononenko M.N. Semi-precious stones of Ukraine: deposits, technologies and production costs. Geomekhanіchnі aspekti ta ekologіchnі naslіdki vіdpratsyuvannya rudnikh pokladіv: nauk.-tekhn. zb. (Geomechanical Aspects and Ecological Consequences of Ore Deposits Mining: Scientific and Technical Collection). Krivoy Rog: DVNZ KNU, 2012. pp. 107–110. (In Russ.).
13. Khomenko O.E., Kononenko M.N. Technologies for extraction of raw gemstones in the conditions of mineral resources energy disturbance. Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy gornogo proizvodstva = Physical and Technical Problems of Mining. 2017. № 19. pp. 103–112. (In Russ.).
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15. Netecha M., Shevchenko S., Baranov P. Gemmological characteristics of decorative jaspilites of the Ukrainian shelf. Naukoviy vіsnik NGU = NGU Scientific Herald. 2006. № 1. pp. 40–42. (In Russ.).
16. Khomenko O.Є. The system of resource-saving technologies for extraction, processing and use of new decorative materials in construction. Shkola pіdzemnoї rozrobki: materіali Mіzhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf (School of the underground mining: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference). Yalta: Art-Press, 2007. pp. 263–268. (In Ukr.).
17. Lyashenko V.I., Dyadechkin N.I. Determination of the parameters of the technology of uranium deposits underground mining. Gornyy zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2009. № 10. pp. 55–58. (In Russ.).
18. Lyashenko V.I. Safety improvement at the underground mining of complex-structural deposits. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2014. № 9. pp. 54–59. (In Russ.).
19. Khomenko O.E., Lyashenko V.I. Safety improvement of ore mining based on the geo-energy use. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2017. № 7. pp. 18–24. (In Russ.).
20. Khomenko O.E., Kononenko M.N., Lyashenko V.I. Safety improvement of mining-preparatory works at the ore mines. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2018. № 5. pp. 53–59. (In Russ.).