Sir David King, Professor, the UK Foreign Secretary's Special Representative for Climate Change, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London, UK
The article is focused on climate change problems, which were discussed at the Marrakesh Climate Change Conference in November 2016. A year earlier, 20 nations, including the United Kingdom, launched a new international initiative called Mission Innovation on the sidelines of the Conference of the Parties in Paris. The idea of the Mission Innovation is to accelerate cost-effective solutions to eliminate greenhouse gas emission in energy production. The innovative approach is an essential component of the project’s implementation.
The article describes the work of Russia and the United Kingdom done in the pursuit of innovation approach to deliver clean energy solutions.
1. Marrakech Climate Change Conference — November 2016. Available at: (accessed: February 20, 2017).
2. Sir David King. Global clean energy in 2017. Available at: (accessed: February 20, 2017). DOI: 10.1126/science.aam7088
3. Proekt Mission Innovation s investicionnymi planami na budushchee (Mission Innovation Project with Investment Plans for Future). Available at: (accessed: February 20, 2017).
4. «Rosnano» investiruet v vetroehnergetiku 10 mlrd rublej (ROSNANO Invests 10 Billion Rubles in the Wind Power Engineering). Available at: (accessed: February 20, 2017).
5. World Energy Outlook 2015. Available at: (accessed: February 20, 2017).