The risk-focused analysis of safety and protectability of industrial facilities on the basis of strength and a life-time parameters


The concept of computation and experimental determination of safety and protectability of industrial facilities on parameters of risk of initiation of refusals, accidents and disasters taking into account possibility of regular and emergency situations is considered. The scientifically substantiated, normalized and controlled parameters of risks estimated by criteria of strength, life-time and survivability are its basis. Risks at the same time are estimated on probabilities of initiation of emergency situations and losses accompanying them at their interdependence. It is shown that generally safety is defined by ability of installations not to pass into emergency and catastrophic states with drawing significant damages to the person, a technosphere and environment; the risk is defined by probability of initiation on installation of adverse situations and possible losses from these situations; protectability is defined by ability of installation to resist to initiation and an evolution of adverse situations (refusals, accidents, disasters) in regular and emergency conditions. The new perspective direction for maintenance of conditions of safe service of industrial facilities is that which initially forms the level of their protectability, and this protectability is defined by the formed and acceptable risks. In this case the solution of basic problems of protectability, safety and risk has to be guided surely by the solution of problems of strength, a life-time, survivability in their direct interaction This circumstance is based on a quantitative estimation of conditions of service damages accumulation and on the analysis of conditions of transition from regular to the damaged and limit states of installation taking into account criteria of strength, fatigue life and survivability. The solution of practical problems of maintenance of strength, life-time and safety within of strength, life-time and risk-focused design assumes determination of nominal and local stresses from service loadings in the most loaded zones with use of characteristics of mechanical properties of constructional materials. In the paper it is put and solved the new scientific and almost important problem about risk-focused definition, maintenance, increase and a standartization of complex safety and protectability of technosphere installations by criteria of the acceptable and controlled risks.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-6-63-71
Year: 2024
Issue num: June
Keywords : safety risk-oriented approach risk service life life duration analysis security damage stresses deformations damage industrial facilities предельное состояние
  • Makhutov N.A.
    RAS Corresponding Member, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate,, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Gadenin M.M.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation