V.M. Mahov, Laboratory Head L.A. Husnutdinov, Laboratory Head V.P. Goroshevskij, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Technical Director S.S. Kamaeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director, info@transkor.ru OOO NTTs «Transkor-K», Moscow, Russia
The system of an assessment of quality risk-oriented diagnostics of pipelines by the noncontact method of magnetic tomography taking into account the stressed-deformed state as the main risk factor is proposed in the Article. Reliability of the obtained data is analyzed by comparison of nondestructive control results. The results of verification of various types of defects are presented. The considered method allows to calculate the parameters of forecasting pipelines operability (safe working pressure and the period of accident-free operation) with the acceptable accuracy. Identification and assessment of danger of defective section of the oil and gas objects are accompanied by the declaration of quality indicators: the probability (identification, accuracy of hazard assessment, skipping of dangerous defects) and registration of the false signals. For the first time in the world the practice the uniform concept of risk assessment is proposed on the basis of continuous control of metal both for highways, and for the pipelines which are not subject to pig inspection (compressor stations, oil refineries, gas pipelines-branches, crossing points, airports, underwater pipelines, etc.) is offered.
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10. Kolesnikov I.S., Goroshevskij V.P., Kamaeva S.S. V mire nerazrushajushhego kontrolja = In the World of Nondestructive Control. 2014. № 3 (65). pp. 59–63.
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22. Kamaeva S.S., Nikonov A.I., Goroshevskij V.P., Belotelov V.N. Oborudovanie i tehnologii dlja neftegazovogo kompleksa = Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Gas Complex. 2016. № 6. pp. 54–60.
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