Resistence of the Pipeline Transportation Systems to Damages of the Network Elements

I.A. Tararychkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Lugansk National University named after V. Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine


Structural features of the pipeline transportation systems for their ability to resist the development of emergency situations and damage to the main elements are considered. Properties of the pipeline systems in case of blocking the transportation systems are studied, at which there is a simultaneous transition to the state of inoperability of all the line elements located in the separate element. The process of sequential blocking of elements implemented in a random order is considered as a progressing blocking, the development of which depends on the structure of the pipeline system.
Influence of the number of line elements on the ability of the pipeline system to resist the development of the process of progressive damage by the mechanism of blocking of the transportation system was studied. The indicator of the resistance of the system to the development of progressive blocking is the average share of elements, the blocking of which in a random order leads to the disconnection from the source of all the consumers of the end product. It is established that the introduction of additional line elements to the scope of the pipeline systems leads to growth of the values of the resistance indicator. In this case, the greatest positive effect is observed in the systems with the structural topology «line» and «tree». It is shown that inclusion of additional pipelines in the transportation system is most effective at straightening successive chains of linear elements.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2018-6-63-68
Year: 2018
Issue num: June
Keywords : accident structure system resistance pipeline damage
  • Tararychkin I.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Lugansk National University Named after V. Dahl, Lugansk, Ukraine