Research Prospects in the Field of Risk Analysis for Improvement of Government Regulation and Safety Increase of the Oil and Gas Chemical Complex Objects


The criterial, legal, and technical standards base of assurance and improvement of safety of the oil and gas chemical complex objects is structurally considered. The defining expressions and their parameters for quantitative assessment of the industrial safety level by risk criteria are given. The actions accordance relevance of the Scientific Council at the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the scientific departments of federal and regional agencies, and the scientific and technical council and centers of Rosteсhnadzor in improvement of state regulation of industrial safety of the oil and gas chemical complex objects is noted. Prospects of the industrial safety increase are linked with the goals of engineering, equipment production, construction and operations of the oil and gas chemical complex objects considering the acceptable risk criteria.
For achievement of strategic priorities in the sphere of improvement of the industrial safety level, especially on the oil and gas chemical complex objects, the following top-priority arrangements are proposed: development of the unified research and methodological base for analysis, regulation, management and reduction of risks; creation of new regulatory base for substantiation of the risk and safety multiparameter indicators; introduction in the developing risk-based approach of complex analysis of the kinetics and dynamics at time of the dangerous external and internal actions, and also the human, natural, and technological factors; staged transition to scientifically based scenario modelling for the emergence and development of the emergency and catastrophic conditions.

S.G. Radionova, Dep. Chairman S.A. Zhulina, Department Head Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia N.A. Makhutov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., RAS Corresponding Member M.M. Gadenin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Yu.V. Lisin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), General Dir. D.A. Neganov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Dir. of Center Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC (Transneft R&D, LLC), Moscow, Russia V.A. Nadein, General Dir. OOO «NGB-Energodiagnostika», Moscow, Russia A.S. Pecherkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., First Dep. General Dir. STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia


The criterial, legal, and technical standards base of assurance and improvement of safety of the oil and gas chemical complex objects is structurally considered. The defining expressions and their parameters for quantitative assessment of the industrial safety level by risk criteria are given. The actions accordance relevance of the Scientific Council at the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the scientific departments of federal and regional agencies, and the scientific and technical council and centers of Rosteсhnadzor in improvement of state regulation of industrial safety of the oil and gas chemical complex objects is noted. Prospects of the industrial safety increase are linked with the goals of engineering, equipment production, construction and operations of the oil and gas chemical complex objects considering the acceptable risk criteria.
For achievement of strategic priorities in the sphere of improvement of the industrial safety level, especially on the oil and gas chemical complex objects, the following top-priority arrangements are proposed: development of the unified research and methodological base for analysis, regulation, management and reduction of risks; creation of new regulatory base for substantiation of the risk and safety multiparameter indicators; introduction in the developing risk-based approach of complex analysis of the kinetics and dynamics at time of the dangerous external and internal actions, and also the human, natural, and technological factors; staged transition to scientifically based scenario modelling for the emergence and development of the emergency and catastrophic conditions.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-9-5-13
Year: 2017
Issue num: September
Keywords : safety reliability regulation resource oil and gas chemical complex supervision strength durability