S.E. Lapin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant, sergei.l@bk.ru Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
The principles and tasks related to increasing efficiency of the forecast of mine workings air-gas state when conducting underground mining operations are formulated in the article. The principles are based on continuous evaluation of massif structure of the developed bed and the host rocks, and, also on the control of disintegration zones. The effect of the current methane content of the coal seam on gas emissions in the mining zones was studied based on the principle of dynamic interrelation «gas flows — stress state», which along with the developed 3D model formed the basis for building construction of the telecommunication geoinformation analytical subsystem for processing spatiotemporal information. It is proposed to use such a subsystem as an integral part of the multifunctional safety systems of coal mines that provide monitoring of geodynamic, gas-dynamic and technogenic processes, processes of preliminary and current degassing of the bed. The solution of specific problems is carried out on the basis of the concept that includes: theoretical substantiation of the mechanism for the development of dynamic phenomena within the framework of the structure evolution and the parameters of the mine massif stressed state in the zones affected by mining operations; implementation of the subsystem that combines control of the parameters of the mine atmosphere and remote control of the structure and the parameters of the mine massif stressed state while predicting the aerodynamic state of the mine workings; forecast of the risk of development of dangerous geodynamic and gas-dynamic phenomena based on the physical link of processes of gas stream redistribution and the evolution of the stress state in the mine massif;, mandatory capability of remote evaluation of the structure and parameters of the mine massif stressed-deformed state on its seismic response taking into account the indications of the hardware-software means for monitoring air-gas state of, the underground workings.
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