Development of Approaches to Solving the Problems of Ensuring Strength, Service Life and Safety of the Trunk Oil Transportation


Ensuring the strength, service life and safety of the trunk pipelines is related to one of the most important areas of the fundamental scientific research and applied developments. Their results are of the undeniable importance for the design, construction and operation of the pipeline systems. In solving these problematic issues, for many decades the provisions were used related to the classical theories of the thin shells and strength theories, which formed the basis of the engineering calculations for determination of the pipeline parameters values.

Occurrence of various damages and destructions during the process of operation of the oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, posed new challenges on improving their calibration calculations.

Latest directive government decisions on the application of risk-oriented approaches during industrial safety analysis are the basis for the creation and use of the unified methodology for assessment and ensuring functioning of potentially hazardous industrial facilities (including trunk pipelines). Its development is carried out by joint efforts of academic, leading industry institutes and other scientific centers of Russia.

Presented analysis of the complex problems of strength, service life and safety is based on the approaches implemented by OOO «Transneft» (head scientific subdivision of PAO «Transneft»).


Ensuring the strength, service life and safety of the trunk pipelines is related to one of the most important areas of the fundamental scientific research and applied developments. Their results are of the undeniable importance for the design, construction and operation of the pipeline systems. In solving these problematic issues, for many decades the provisions were used related to the classical theories of the thin shells and strength theories, which formed the basis of the engineering calculations for determination of the pipeline parameters values.

Occurrence of various damages and destructions during the process of operation of the oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, posed new challenges on improving their calibration calculations.

Latest directive government decisions on the application of risk-oriented approaches during industrial safety analysis are the basis for the creation and use of the unified methodology for assessment and ensuring functioning of potentially hazardous industrial facilities (including trunk pipelines). Its development is carried out by joint efforts of academic, leading industry institutes and other scientific centers of Russia.

Presented analysis of the complex problems of strength, service life and safety is based on the approaches implemented by OOO «Transneft» (head scientific subdivision of PAO «Transneft»).

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-9-7-14
Year: 2019
Issue num: September
Keywords : safety regulation risk service life supervision life duration accidents trunk pipelines calculations norms knowledge bases data banks failures disasters
  • Makhutov N.A.
    RAS Corresponding Member, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate,, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Fridlyand Ya.M.
    General Director The Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI, LLC), Moscow, Russia
  • Raspopov A.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Center Deputy Director The Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI, LLC), Moscow, Russia
  • Lisanov M.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), the Director of Risk Analysis Center STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia