The article formulates a new concept for the integrated safety, clarifies the concept for the integrated safety system of explosive production facilities of the enterprises. Aggregated areas with scientific results on risk assessment in the integrated safety of production enterprises was formed. To improve safety at the enterprises under consideration, it was required to solve three problems. To solve the first problem, the current, practical results of the scientific research were analyzed both in Russia and in the foreign countries. It is concluded that the reduction of damage from the impact of hazardous events is to create a reasonable reserve designed to reduce (exclude) various risks, the rational use of the reserve based on the use of an approach developed from a new angle of view in relation to risk. When solving the second problem, the existing methods for assessing the state of the industrial and fire safety subsystems, occupational safety included in the integrated safety system of the enterprises under consideration, as well as a new direction for assessing the state of the integrated safety were presented in comparison. When solving the third problem, a formalized description of a new, different from the used model for improving and developing the integrated safety system for explosive production facilities of the enterprises is presented. The purpose of the assessment is formulated, the new methods and results of the assessment of the state of the integrated safety of these enterprises are presented. As a result, three problems were solved, on their basis the conceptual model for the development of the integrated safety system for explosive production facilities of the enterprises was formed.
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