Development of Simulators for Training Personnel of Oil Refineries


In modern conditions of fierce competition in the energy market, the enterprises of the Russian Federation widely use new technologies, introduce modern equipment and automation systems. This leads to the increased requirements for the quality of management and maintenance of industrial objects, including oil refining facilities. When training the personnel of a hazardous production facility, the most important factor in assessing the results of training is the availability of not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills of work, including in emergency situations, which is difficult to learn in real production conditions. According to the number of studies, in the presence of practiced practical skills, the probability of error decreases significantly. Simulator training is one of the most efficient methods of practical training. Various versions are considered related to the simulators implemented on the computers and connected to the computer network; they simulate the workplace of specialists as much as possible. Integrated training systems are a set of interactive equipment and are designed to increase the level of fire and industrial safety of oil and gas facilities in the normal and emergency operating modes.
The purpose of creating educational and training complexes is to conduct primary training of personnel of the enterprises for forming the managerial skills and an idea of the essence and features of the technological process.
Thus, the future specialists can acquire skills in managing these processes in various situations. The substantiation and features of the use of quantitative assessments of the results of practical exercises and trainings for the specialists of oil refineries are given, as well as a method for calculating the direct assessment of the probable damage.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-10-82-87
Year: 2021
Issue num: October
Keywords : industrial safety human factor preparation optimization simulators training training tools optimal set of trainings