To organize the fire unit activities on ensuring the fire safety of industrial buildings for industrial purposes, it is required to justify their safe activities during training, emergency rescue operations, and the organization of fire extinguishing considering the impact of fire hazardous factors.
One of the calculated estimates of the risk of harm from the effect of the heat flow in a fire is the methodology presented in GOST 12.1.004—91 and textbooks.
Since the application of a calculation methodology for estimating the minimum distances from a fire flame to the positions of firemen and fire equipment installation sites considering the impact of the critical values of the radiant heat flux in the operational mode, is a rather complicated action, it is required to develop a calculated estimate.
To achieve this goal, a methodology was improved and developed for assessing the fire protection unit safe location, as well as an algorithm for establishing the safe location of fire protection units for supplying fire extinguishing agents to the fire source.
Practical use of the calculation methodology is aimed at improving the efficiency of the unified state system functioning for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations in terms of the fires prevention and extinguishing. It also contributes to the improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of fire safety.
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