Development of Protective Barrier Model for Reducing the Load from the Shock Wave on Buildings and Structures


The method is proposed concerning the reduction of the blast load on the buildings and structures from the incident blast wave when implementing scenarios of emergency explosions at the objects of oil and gas industry by creating the protective barrier. It is established that gas permeable barriers or screens have the greatest efficiency in reducing the shock loads. When the shock wave passes through the layers of the gas-permeable screen, the pressure at its front decreases and the wave profile changes. Such protective screens should be located along the path of the shock wave in the immediate vicinity from the source of the explosion. It is shown that multilayer screens made of steel sheets in combination with the layer of porous material have the best dissipative properties. Use of several protective screens can vary the parameters of the incident shock wave, which effects buildings and structures.

The configuration of the device model was developed on reducing the incident shock wave intensity during explosions of fuel-air mixtures at hazardous production facilities in the form of a combined damper — attenuator of the shock wave of the explosion. The main function of the attenuator is to reduce the blast load due to its absorption of the shock wave energy. The model of the device is a protective barrier located between the source of the explosion and the protected object, which serves as an obstacle to the effect of the shock wave and helps to dissipate its energy.

Using numerical modeling, thanks to which it was possible to evaluate the efficiency of the developed design of the attenuator, the blast  load, which influences the operator building during the implementation of the emergency explosion scenario, will decrease from 40 to 2 kPa. Thus, the protection measure in the form of the attenuator allows to minimize the magnitude of the blast load on the buildings and structures.


The method is proposed concerning the reduction of the blast load on the buildings and structures from the incident blast wave when implementing scenarios of emergency explosions at the objects of oil and gas industry by creating the protective barrier. It is established that gas permeable barriers or screens have the greatest efficiency in reducing the shock loads. When the shock wave passes through the layers of the gas-permeable screen, the pressure at its front decreases and the wave profile changes. Such protective screens should be located along the path of the shock wave in the immediate vicinity from the source of the explosion. It is shown that multilayer screens made of steel sheets in combination with the layer of porous material have the best dissipative properties. Use of several protective screens can vary the parameters of the incident shock wave, which effects buildings and structures.

The configuration of the device model was developed on reducing the incident shock wave intensity during explosions of fuel-air mixtures at hazardous production facilities in the form of a combined damper — attenuator of the shock wave of the explosion. The main function of the attenuator is to reduce the blast load due to its absorption of the shock wave energy. The model of the device is a protective barrier located between the source of the explosion and the protected object, which serves as an obstacle to the effect of the shock wave and helps to dissipate its energy.

Using numerical modeling, thanks to which it was possible to evaluate the efficiency of the developed design of the attenuator, the blast  load, which influences the operator building during the implementation of the emergency explosion scenario, will decrease from 40 to 2 kPa. Thus, the protection measure in the form of the attenuator allows to minimize the magnitude of the blast load on the buildings and structures.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-8-57-65
Year: 2019
Issue num: August
Keywords : excessive pressure accident explosion fuel-air mixture динамическая нагрузка protective barrier shock wave attenuator
  • Nevskaya E.E.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant, ANO «Industrial Risk Research Agency», Moscow, Russia
  • Glebova E.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department, RGU of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Volokhina A.T.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., RGU of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Fomina E.E.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Department Deputy Head,, RGU of Oil and Gas (NIU) named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow, Russian Federation