Development of the Methodology for a Biological Factor Assessment Considering Occupational Risks (Using the Example of Employees of the Treatment Plants)


The problem of the limited approach to the method of assessing the biological factor is considered. It is noted that the influence of the biological factor is underestimated for certain professional groups.
Assessment of the biological factor is based only on the current methodology for conducting a special assessment of the working conditions, which determines the hazard class for the microorganisms-producers depending on the excess of their maximum allowable concentration in the working area air. For pathogenic microorganisms, the hazard class is determined according to the Classification of biological agents by the pathogenicity groups. In both cases, the occupational risks of the employees in contact with the biological environment are not considered.
Additional hazardous factors of the biological agents were identified. This will help to assess more fully the biological factor without leaving out the various biological risks. Similar assessment of the biological factor will allow to determine the class of employees working conditions more accurately.
It is proposed to improve the methodology for the assessment of the biological factor, which considers the occupational risks of the wastewater treatment plant employees.  Calculation of the index of their occupational risk carried out using the Fine — Kinney method is shown.
The conclusion is made about the expediency and necessity of considering occupational risks in the methodology of biological factor assessment. This accounting will allow to determine more precisely the class of the working conditions for the undervalued individual professional group — employees of the wastewater treatment plants.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-4-83-86
Year: 2021
Issue num: April
Keywords : occupational risks special assessment of working conditions class of working conditions Fine — Kinney method biological factor infectious diseases pathogenic micro-organisms
  • Biktasheva L.F.
    Undergraduate, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia
  • Vadulina N.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia