Development of the Test Methodology for Sealing Process Holes at the Operational Stage for Ensuring Safety at the Construction Site


Safety of the personnel at the construction site from falling from a height depends on the control of risks and the minimization of work at height, as well as on the compliance with the occupational safety rules.
The article touches upon the topic of studying one of the solutions for sealing process holes when laying engineering communications at a construction site. The purpose of the study is to provide comprehensive and individual protection against falls from a height. The tasks that were solved during the study: development of a methodology with dynamic and static load on the seam during operation; checking the residual strength; development of criteria for operability and safe use; analysis of the results obtained with the recommendations for use.
The tests consist in modeling the operating mode of the mounted seam between the facade of the building and the floor slab for the impact of static and dynamic loads before the appearance of deformations. Previously, the seam with a width of 200 mm is filled with layers: mineral wool, fire sealant, concrete screed with metal mesh reinforcement. The load is transmitted through the installation, which stimulates the fall of an object or the impact of a person foot with a load, the bearing capacity of the sandwich is checked. The data obtained are analyzed and correlated with the criteria of the operability and safe use.
Results of the study: a methodology was developed that can be used for testing various structural solutions to seal the seam; the proposed method allows to determine bearing capacity of the structure and to check the minimum destructive load.
The presented design of filling process holes reduces the risk when the user may fall into a sealed process hole during operation and increases the overall safety factor at the construction site.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-7-58-64
Year: 2022
Issue num: July
Keywords : static tests joint mineral wool firestop sealant safety at the construction site dynamic tests process holes