Monitoring of the employee health condition, as well as preservation of health — tasks prevail in the modern conditions, as one of the causes of death of a person in the working age is the work in harmful working conditions. Currently, about 40 % of the working-age population is working in the harmful working conditions. And in such branches of industries as machine-building, metallurgy, mining and processing of minerals, the share of the employees involved in the harmful working conditions, only based on the official statistics, exceeds 55 %, but actually reaches 80 %. Under harmful working conditions the employees are subject to the broad range of negative factors of the production environment, as a rule exceeding maximum permissible values. All this creates conditions for physiological (stress) overloads of the employees also in the cardiovascular and nervous systems, musculoskeletal system and results in the growth of occupational morbidity and overall incidence. Isolated exposure to one or another harmful factor is rare in the production environment. Usually, the employee is exposed to these factors complex effect. In order to assess the complex effect of harmful production factors of different origin on the employee health, an intelligent personal monitoring system was developed, which allows to monitor the factors levels and doses in the dynamics of the production process. Proposed device of the physiological parameters control involves the multi-year system of observation over the process of excessive doses of harmful effect accumulation. Personal monitoring intelligent system allows to assess and manage the occupational risk, keep up health and prolong labor longevity by optimizing the constituent doses of harmful effect, preventive measures and development of organizational and technical activities on improving working conditions.
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