Development of the Occupational Risk Management Algorithm at the Extraction of High-viscosity Oil by the Thermo-shaft Method


The results are presented concerning the study of the working conditions for the employees of three oil mines at the Yaregskoye field of the Komi Republic, which are involved in the technological processes of mining during extraction of high-viscous oil using the thermo-shaft method. Consistently high level of occupational morbidity among the oil mine personnel was indicated. Main group of risk is identified, which is the most exposed to harmful production factors.  Calculated were the risks related to the development of occupational diseases, and the regularities of their formation among the employees of oil-producing mines were revealed. 

The results of the occupational risk assessment confirmed that the level of production conditionality of disturbances in the body of underground personnel depends on the length of service, working conditions and profession. Based on the results of analysis of the level of the production conditions effect on the human body during thermo-shaft oil production, an integral point-based estimate of the specific severity of the production processes negative factors was proposed. The diagrams are built related to the distribution of the total specific severity of the working environment by professions of the underground personnel.

Main harmful production factors at the workplaces of the underground personnel that effect the employees and cause the diseases are listed. These include vibroacoustic effects, increased noise level, arduous working conditions, chemical factors, adverse microclimate, dustiness. The results of calculations of the generalized levels of safety and occupational risk are presented depending on the workplaces of the underground personnel.

The algorithm is developed for the combined risk assessment of obtaining and developing occupational diseases with ranking criteria for the labor protection management system. Maximum work experience is indicated, which corresponds to the risk acceptable level for the underground personnel in the conditions of thermo-shaft oil production.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-6-78-85
Year: 2019
Issue num: June
Keywords : occupational risks occupational morbidity working conditions oil mines Komi Republic thermo-mine method of oil production Yarega high-viscosity oil field risk management algorithm
  • Fomin A.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher (AO «NTs VostNII», Kemerovo, Russia), Head of the Department (KuzSTU, Kemerovo, Russia)
  • Sobolev V.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy General Director AO «NTs VostNII», Kemerovo, Russia
  • Grunskoy T.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russia