Pumping and hose complexes are one of the most efficient technical means used for supplying large volumes of water (up to 200 l/s or more) or drainage over significant (hundreds of meters) distances. Transportation of water and other technical fluids is carried out by hoses of large (over 150 mm) diameters. Operational experience showed that the use of hoses with a diameter of over 250 mm causes small losses of water pressure during transportation along the hoses, but negatively affects the operational and tactical capabilities of the complexes. Due to the large mass of the transported hoses and the significant load on the chassis, the off-road passability of the complexes is reduced; deploying a hose line in a complex natural and urban landscape and cleaning it after an emergency is time-consuming with the involvement of the great number of the uniformed force. The problem of creating new generation pumping and hose complexes required optimization of the diameter of the pressure hoses for ensuring transportation of the maximum possible amount of water over the required distances without critical pressure losses. The performed calculations show that the optimal pressure hose diameter is 225 mm considering technical characteristics of the applied pumping units. Using them it is possible to deploy the hose line at distances from 450 to 1000 m and more depending on the amount of the transported fluid and its pressure at the end of the hose line. Due to the lower mass of the linear meter of the hose and connecting heads, the load on the chassis and on the device for mechanical unfolding and cleaning of the hoses is reduced by more than 29 %, the reliability of chassis units and assemblies and the superstructure of the pumping and hose complexes increases. Correctness of the performed calculations is confirmed by their practical application at the development of the work execution plan on pumping a water-diesel mixture from the emergency zone in the Norilsk region.
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