Calculation and Experimental Approaches to the Analysis and Provision of the Service Life and Safe Operation Life of Industrial Facilities



It is shown that the modern calculations of strength and service life of technical devices, equipment and materials, as well as highly loaded structures represent the hot topic in the methodology of safe operation control of hazardous production facilities. It includes scientifically substantiated use of deformation approaches within the framework of linear and non-linear mechanics of deformation and destruction, analysis of conditions and risks of destruction leading to accidents and disasters, substantiation of the resource and safe operation life for industrial facilities and their accident protection. The problem of analysis and ensuring the operational life and term of safe operation of industrial facilities is discussed in detail. The problem of increasing their level of protection is analyzed based on in-depth study of the conditions and regularities of deformation and destruction processes in both standard and extreme limit conditions of their operation. The fundamental task is set and solved concerning the formation of the criterion base of conditions for reaching of permissible and limit states of industrial facilities by the parameters of strength, service life and survivability. The basis of the considered approaches is the fundamental scientific research of problems of determination of safe operation life of industrial facilities and management of this life, as well as establishment of regularities of their transition to limit states considering  the risks of accidents occurrence (with analysis of conditions of reaching of limit states during operation at different stages and modes of the life cycle).


It is shown that the modern calculations of strength and service life of technical devices, equipment and materials, as well as highly loaded structures represent the hot topic in the methodology of safe operation control of hazardous production facilities. It includes scientifically substantiated use of deformation approaches within the framework of linear and non-linear mechanics of deformation and destruction, analysis of conditions and risks of destruction leading to accidents and disasters, substantiation of the resource and safe operation life for industrial facilities and their accident protection. The problem of analysis and ensuring the operational life and term of safe operation of industrial facilities is discussed in detail. The problem of increasing their level of protection is analyzed based on in-depth study of the conditions and regularities of deformation and destruction processes in both standard and extreme limit conditions of their operation. The fundamental task is set and solved concerning the formation of the criterion base of conditions for reaching of permissible and limit states of industrial facilities by the parameters of strength, service life and survivability. The basis of the considered approaches is the fundamental scientific research of problems of determination of safe operation life of industrial facilities and management of this life, as well as establishment of regularities of their transition to limit states considering  the risks of accidents occurrence (with analysis of conditions of reaching of limit states during operation at different stages and modes of the life cycle).

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-1-7-15
Year: 2020
Issue num: January
Keywords : safety risk lifetime service life life duration security destruction stresses deformations safe operation life industrial facilities
  • Makhutov N.A.
    RAS Corresponding Member, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Chief Research Associate,, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Gadenin M.M.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, IMASH RAN, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • ;
    Pecherkin A.S.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Director, Fund of James Bruce, Moscow, Russia
  • Krasnyh B.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia