Calculation of Technical Characteristics of the Technical Fleet Vessels Involved in Ensuring Safety of the Offshore Facilities of Oil and Gas Complex


Violation of industrial safety rules during the operation of offshore facilities for the production, storage and transportation of the hydrocarbon raw materials leads in the most cases to pollution of the marine environment with oil and its components. The works on localization and elimination of such pollution are carried out with the help of vessels of the technical support fleet and booms. When developing oil spill response plans at such facilities, a calculated determination of the technical characteristics of vessels and booms is required that are sufficient to carry out the planned activities. The basic design principles for determining the towing capacity of the technical fleet vessels involved in the localization and elimination of oil and oil product spills by trawling methods are given in the article. The calculation is based on theoretical studies performed by the authors of the physical processes occurring during the movement of objects of a mobile trawling order in the sea area. The results obtained during the course of theoretical studies were confirmed by the experimental studies carried out by the authors personally using the real pieces of equipment in the actual development of tasks for training spill containment by trawling. As a result, the empirical dependencies were obtained and experimentally confirmed, which can be used to calculate technical characteristics of the ships as part of the mobile orders and anchor systems as part of stationary orders intended for the localization and elimination of oil pollution. These results can be used, among other things, for the calculated substantiation of the technical characteristics of the technical fleet vessels designed to ensure safety of the offshore facilities for production, storage, and transportation of the hydrocarbon raw materials.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-1-7-13
Year: 2021
Issue num: January
Keywords : oil and oil products spills localization technical fleet vessels trawling method booms towing mobile order tow force order form coefficient anchor systems
  • Matsenko S.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), General Director, JSC Southern Research and Design Institute named after the Soviet Union Marine Fleet Admiral I.S. Isakov, Novorossiysk, Russian Federation
  • Minko V.M.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Head of the Department Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad, Russia
  • Koshelev A.A.
    Head of the Department SSRDIMF Co, Kaliningrad, Russia
  • Piven V.Yu.
    Environmental Engineer SSRDIMF Co, Novorossiysk, Russia