Calculation of the New Type Mine Ventilation Wall


The design of the new type mine ventilation wall is described, the main advantages of which are pre-fabrication and high insulating properties. The stated parameters are ensured, owing to the fact that in the proposed design of the ballscrew the main section of working is overlapped by the bed (fire-fighting blanket, if required), and air is pumped into the air hose located along the perimeter of the bed. In this case, the insulating properties are achieved due to «smoothing» of the unevenness and roughness of the mine working by the air hose. Due to the fact, that in the proposed solution there is no need for filling the entire mine wall with the air, the time spent on its construction, as well as the energy cost for pumping a large volume of air into it are reduced.

In order to determine the performability of the proposed solution, the mathematical modeling of the load on the mine ventilation wall with varying pressure of the ram air was carried out. Maximum permissible air flow rate in the mine workings is specified as 10 m/s. Analytical expressions are also given that allow to calculate the force acting in the air hose at different air pressures in it and for different hose diameters. As an example, the calculations are presented for the mine workings made by the Ural-20R heading machine. This type of machine is used in the potash mines of the Verkhnekamsky potassium and magnesium salts deposit. Based on the obtained calculation results, the design of the main frame of the wall for these mines was developed, along the perimeter of which the air hose will be located, and the bed will be placed on top of the whole structure.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-4-16-24
Year: 2019
Issue num: April
Keywords : safety mine mine working fire mine ventilation stopping mine
  • Nikolaev A.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Prof. of the Department,, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
  • Maksimov P.V.
    Cand Sci. (Eng.), Dean Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
  • Gazizullin R.N.
    Department Head West Ural Department of Rostechnadzor, Perm, Russia
  • Timarov A.G.
    Lead Designer PAO «NPO «Iskra», Perm, Russia