Assessment of radioactivity and radiological hazard of multicomponent building materials is extremely required, as long as in recent years the industrial waste, which can be concentrators of natural radionuclides, has been used in the production of building materials. Building materials are the sources of gamma radiation of natural radionuclides and radon entry. The subject of study is the radioactive properties of multicomponent concrete and the associated dose loads on human when used in construction. Using gamma-spectrometric method the specific activity 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were determined in seven samples of concrete. On the value of efficient specific activity Cэф<370 Бk/kg, the tested concrete samples belong to class I of radiation hazard, and can be used in construction without limitation. The effective equivalent dose for 50 years for people living in the concrete rooms is less than the total dose of population radiation due to natural radionuclides and medical procedures (170 mSv). The calculated effective doses of gamma radiation in the premises made of concretes under study, and the volumetric concentrations of radon isotopes comply with the radiation safety norms of the IAEA and the Russian Federation for all the samples, so they can be used in civil engineering.
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