A.V. Medvedev, Deputy Department Head — Head of the Department, a.medvedev@gosnadzor.ru Rostechnadzor, Moscow, Russia A.N. Gorbatov, Expertise Director ZAO MNTTS «Diagnostika», Magnitogorsk, Russia A.A. Cheltybashev, Candidate Sciences (Education), Head of the Department Murmansk Branch of FGBOU VO «Saint Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia», Murmansk, Russia
Proposal on the Application of Risk Analysis Method in Industrial Safety Management Systems at Hazardous Production Facilities of the Metallurgical Plants at Conducting Inspections
The risk of accidents emergence connected with the metallurgical equipment at hazardous production facilities of the II class of hazard (high) can vary over a wide range. The approach offered in the Article allows for performing the permanent control of risk within the frame of industrial control without involvement of additional resources. But the establishment of acceptable risks — to come over to risk-oriented system of industrial safety management and to increase its efficiency.
Having established acceptable risk for technical devices, buildings, structures, hazardous production facilities it is possible to substantiate the frequency of inspections of the supervised organization, terms of violations elimination, need in the development of actions aimed at decrease in risks. The risk-oriented approach will allow for directing the available resources of the enterprise to critical risks taking into account management of the acceptable risks freeing the resources. Documentary executed analysis results will be the proof for Rostechnadzor, executive bodies, owners that the organization provided for all necessary complex of works for risk reduction of accidents and injuries.
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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-3-76-80
Year: 2017
Issue num: March
Keywords : industrial safety risk analysis management systems hazardous production facilities metallurgical plants
Year: 2017
Issue num: March
Keywords : industrial safety risk analysis management systems hazardous production facilities metallurgical plants