Analysis of the causes of industrial injuries at the enterprises of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years shows that organizational causes remain dominant in the overall structure of the causes of injuries with severe consequences. They are based on the human factor when the actions of the employee himself leading to negative events are primarily due to the low level of his competencies in the field of occupational safety.
In September 2022, as part of the reform of the regulatory legal framework in the field of occupational safety training, regulatory legal acts approved by the Government of the Russian Federation defining a new procedure for occupational safety training will come into force. New requirements were developed considering risk-oriented approach, they are based on the current trends in the occupational safety training and are harmonized with the international understanding of the occupational safety training outside of education. Competencies in the field of occupational safety are formed in various areas, broken down into individual programs considering the availability and levels of the occupational risks, which are assessed by the employer within the framework of the relevant procedure of the occupational safety management system.
The requirements of new documents are analyzed in terms of conducting briefings, internships at the workplace, training in the occupational safety requirements, including the new types of training in first aid to the victim and the use of personal protective equipment by the employees, as well as in terms of organizing knowledge testing of the occupational safety requirements.
In addition, the changes in the rules of accreditation and in the requirements for accredited organizations for training in the field of occupational safety are considered.
Analysis of the causes of industrial injuries at the enterprises of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years shows that organizational causes remain dominant in the overall structure of the causes of injuries with severe consequences. They are based on the human factor when the actions of the employee himself leading to negative events are primarily due to the low level of his competencies in the field of occupational safety.
In September 2022, as part of the reform of the regulatory legal framework in the field of occupational safety training, regulatory legal acts approved by the Government of the Russian Federation defining a new procedure for occupational safety training will come into force. New requirements were developed considering risk-oriented approach, they are based on the current trends in the occupational safety training and are harmonized with the international understanding of the occupational safety training outside of education. Competencies in the field of occupational safety are formed in various areas, broken down into individual programs considering the availability and levels of the occupational risks, which are assessed by the employer within the framework of the relevant procedure of the occupational safety management system.
The requirements of new documents are analyzed in terms of conducting briefings, internships at the workplace, training in the occupational safety requirements, including the new types of training in first aid to the victim and the use of personal protective equipment by the employees, as well as in terms of organizing knowledge testing of the occupational safety requirements.
In addition, the changes in the rules of accreditation and in the requirements for accredited organizations for training in the field of occupational safety are considered.
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3. On the procedure for training in occupational safety and testing knowledge of the occupational safety requirements: Decree of the Government of Russian Federation dated December 24, 2021 № 2464. Available at: (accessed: February 2, 2022). (In Russ.).
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15. On the approval of the basic requirements for the procedure to the development and content of the rules and instructions on occupational safety developed by the employer (registered on November 26, 2021 № 66015): order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 29, 2021 № 772n. Available at: (accessed: February 2, 2022). (In Russ.).
16. On the introduction of changes to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of November 22, 2021 № 377-FZ. Available at: (accessed: February 2, 2022). (In Russ.).
17. On the approval of the list of services in the field of occupational safety, for the provision of which accreditation is required, and the Rules of accreditation of the organizations providing services in the field of occupational safety (with amendments and additions): Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 1, 2010 № 205n. Available at: (accessed: February 2, 2022). (In Russ.).