Program «Zero Injury Rate» as a Factor of Ensuring Safe Working Conditions

O.V. Stolbyuk, graduate student O.V. Popova, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., FGAOU WAUGH Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia I.I. Taranushina, head of security service of work JSC TNIIS, Taganrog, Russia

The experience in organizing safe working conditions at the enterprise of radiotechnical industry as a result of implementation of program «Zero injury rate» is presented. The program covers all the types of economic activities of the employers, and is accepted for execution in many regions of the Russian Federation by local government bodies. The main goal of this program — establishment of general organizational and technical activities aimed at preservation of life and health of the employees in the course of their labor activity. It is noted that the program «Zero injury rate» specifies performance with a certain frequency of the comparison of documents available in the organization for actuality and the period of validity. The main principles of the program: involvement of the employees in ensuring safe conditions and labor protection, their continuous training. On the example of AO TNIIS it is shown that having implemented the program «Zero injury rate» in the organization, and fulfilling in a responsible manner of all the items of the activities on this program, the employer can reduce the number of work injuries to a minimum or completely eliminate their occurrence. It is noted that the most frequent work injuries occurred due to carelessness of the employee. Mandatory requirements of the sections of the program «Zero injury rate» are formed to the professional risks management system and contribute to trouble-free operation of this system. Based on a special assessment of the working conditions for AO TNIIS, risk assessment method was developed that allows to identify hazards specific to a particular workplace for the objective of preventing work injury or causing other harm to the employee.
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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-7-59-63
Year: 2017
Issue num: July
Keywords : safe working conditions work injury he program «Zero injury rate» labour protection system professional risk assessment risk management
  • Stolbyuk O.V.
  • Popova O.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  • Taranushina I.I., Candidate Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia Discipline Head OOO Southern Institute of Occupational and Industrial Safety of GK Aton, Rostov-on-Don, Russia