Forecasting the Injury Rate in an Organization Based on the Results of Occupational Risk Assessment


The methodology for converting the results of occupational risk assessment into forecast coefficients of injury frequency and severity is provided.
The criticality of assessment of occupational risks and hazards for employees’ safety and health is accentuated. In the article, a unified methodological framework of risk assessment, including a general nomenclature of hazards, probability scales, severity of consequences of disabilities, occupational risk level classification, and a clear definition of the concept of «acceptable risk» are described. Notably, in most cases, employees question the necessity of occupational risk assessment; therefore, intuitive and motivating indices to encourage taking preventive measures to reduce and eliminate risks are required.
The methodology is provided along with a step-by-step specification of the initial data and calculation formulas. It is noted that the software (1С: Labor Safety) can significantly facilitate the process of risk assessment and management. 
The methodology that enables the identification of prioritized risks, adjustment of risk levels, and evaluation of the efficiency of preventive measures taken, was proposed.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-2-30-33
Year: 2024
Issue num: February
Keywords : prediction injury rate methodology probability industrial incident risk assessment
  • Zamigulov E.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director, Private organization of Federation of Independent Trade-Unions of Russia «Scientific-Research Institute for Labor Protection in Ekaterinburg», Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
  • Pertseva A.Yu.
    Head of Risk Assessment Section,, Private organization of Federation of Independent Trade-Unions of Russia «Scientific-Research Institute for Labor Protection in Ekaterinburg», Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
  • Isakov O.V.
    Deputy Director of the Norilsk branch for HSE, Chernogorskaya Mining Company LLC, Norilsk, Russian Federation