Occupational Risk for the Miners under Multifactorial Impact of the Working Environment


Preserving the health of the employees, reducing morbidity and maintaining the quality of life of people employed at the mining enterprises are related to the priority tasks of the state social policy in the field of professional activity. And the extraction of raw materials and the production of light metals are important tasks in the industrialized country. One of the risk groups, which is under the constant negative impact of a complex of the unfavorable production factors, includes miners engaged in the extraction of carnallite for the production of metallic magnesium. Specific working conditions lead to the development of a number of diseases among the personnel of the mining enterprises and can reduce life expectancy.

 When assessing the working conditions of miners, it is advisable to consider the factors of the natural and industrial environment at the mining sites, even if they belong to the category of low intensity. The peculiarity of the natural environment of carnallite sites is due to high air humidity and the formation of hydroaerosols, which contribute to the active sorption of dust components in the course of work.

An important element in assessing the impact of industrial environment factors on the human body is the analysis of its physiological reactions during a work shift, especially the process of fatigue formation, since it is this state of a person that can cause incidents. 

Health risk assessment of the miners has now acquired particular relevance. The most acceptable approach involves taking into account the production environment and determining the class of the working conditions. And the subsequent risk calculation should only confirm these primary data and focus on ensuring occupational safety.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-8-82-87
Year: 2022
Issue num: August
Keywords : risk assessment multifactorial environment subnormal temperatures air ions background radiation production loads occupational pathologies