Problems of Improving Working Capacity of the Operators at High-Tech Industries


Modern high-tech industry intensifies the production load on operators. The problem of maintaining a high level of working capacity and error-free work is growing. Earlier studies revealed that the work of operators in hermetically sealed rooms is characterized by the following: monotony, hypokinesia, lack of psychological and industrial contacts, static muscle tension, as well as a lot of frequently repeated small movements caused by the fact that the technical system is controlled indirectly — through the remote control. The operator is affected by the factors of a closed production environment (microclimate) and the labor process (work and rest mode, long working shifts), which together form a general status called fatigue. The main factor that causes fatigue is the integral extensive intensity of the activity.
The dynamics of physiological processes characterizing fatigue and the possibility of erroneous actions were evaluated. It is established that low-intensity factors, which form the working conditions of operators of high-tech industrial complexes, provoke persistent fatigue, a decrease in the functional reserves of the body, the development and aggravation of professionally caused diseases. The degree of fatigue was assessed by the indicators of the latent time of sensorimotor reactions, the stability of attention and the error of actions.
The obtained data confirm the need in developing effective ways and means of maintaining working capacity. In particular, the regulated breaks and pauses filled with the specially developed schemes of isometric exercises, should be introduced (according to a special schedule) into the work and rest mode with a 12-hour schedule.
The study substantiates the need for further making recommendations on the development of preventive measures to optimize the working conditions of the operators in high-tech industries.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-8-39-44
Year: 2021
Issue num: August
Keywords : occupational safety working conditions preventive activities working capacity fatigue low intensity factors monotony operator of high-tech industries functional reserves of the body