V.S. Zaburdayev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Lead Researcher, sabyanina@mail.ru IPCON RAN, Moscow, Russia
Ensuring gas-dust safety at the working faces of methane abundant mines depends to a large extent on the taken measures and their connection with the input data characterizing coal seam. Amongst the latter are the gas content of coal, its strength and material composition, coal petrological differences, volatile matters yield, analytical moisture, physicomechanical and physicochemical properties of coal both in the massif and in the zone of destruction by the cutter-loader, intensity of methane release from the seam and the coal beaten in lava, the dust-forming ability of coal and rocks at the extraction of coal by the cutter-loader. Process solutions are proposed to reduce the intensity of methane release and dust formation at the working faces by using effective measures for degassing coal seams and their preliminary moistening in order to increase the moisture content of coal. The decisions are based on the knowledge of coals natural properties, their influence on the gas-dust situation in lavas.
1. Ruban A.D., Zaburdyaev G.S., Zaburdyaev V.S. Geotekhnologicheskie problemy razrabotki opasnykh po gazu i pyli ugolnykh plastov (Geotechnological Problems of the Development of Coal Beds Hazardous According to Gas and Dust). Moscow: Nauka, 2007. 279 p.
2. Zaburdyaev V.S. Sposob prognoza riska vzryvov gibridnykh smesey v shakhtakh i rudnikakh (Method for Predicting the Risk of Explosions of Hybrid Mixtures in Mines and Ore Mines). Patent RF. № 2536544. Applied: July 18, 2013. Published: December 27, 2014. Bulletin № 36.
3. Zaburdyaev V.S. Sposob degazatsii uglenosnoy tolshchi (Method for Degassing the Coal-bearing Strata). Patent RF. № 2565311. Applied: September 25, 2014. Published: October 20, 2015. Bulletin № 29.
4. Instruktsiya po degazatsii ugolnykh shakht (Instruction for Degassing of Coal Mines). Ser. 05. Iss. 22. Moscow: ZAO NTTs PB, 2012. 250 p.
5. Kolikov K.S., Koroleva V.N., Khusnutdinov R.B. Methods of degassing carbon-rock massifs. Problems and prospects. Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten = Mining Information-analytical Bulletin. 2017. Special Iss. 1. pp. 138–147.
6. Abramov F.A., Gretsinger B.E., Sobolevskiy V.V., Shevelev G.A. Aerogazodinamika vyemochnogo uchastka (Aerogasdynamics of the Excavation Site). Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1972. pp. 43–44.
7. Zaburdyaev V.S. Forecast of methane releases at the working face during coal seam mining. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2017. № 6. pp. 31–35.
8. Slastunov S.V., Karkashadze G.G., Ermak G.P., Yutyaev E.P. Preliminary and real-time forecast of permissible loads on the working face at intensive mining of gas-bearing coal seams. Ugol = Coal. 2015. № 3. pp. 30–35.
9. Slastunov S.V., Karkashadze G.G., Ermak G.P., Nikitin S.G. Forecast of the allowable load on the working face according to gas factor. Available at: http://www.rusnauka.com/28_NII_2012/Tecnic/13_117650.doc.htm (accessed: December 13, 2017).
10. Zaburdyaev V.S. Methane hazard of coal mines. Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti = Occupational Safety in Industry. 2013. № 8. pp. 60–64.
11. Zaburdyaev V.S. Sposob opredeleniya dopustimoy po gazovomu faktoru proizvoditelnosti ochistnogo kombayna (Method for Determining Allowable Cutter-loader Capacity According to Gas Factor). Patent RF. № 2584023. Applied: April 02, 2015. Published: May 20, 2016. Bulletin № 14.
12. Schultz K.H. International finance and coal mine methane projects. International coalbed methane Symposium. 1999. May 3–7. pp. 429–438.
13. Haynes C.D. Appraisal of coalbed methane Resources in an underground mining environment. International coalbed methane Symposium. 1999. May 3–7. pp. 417–428.