The article deals with the problem of ensuring the sustainability of functioning of hazardous production facilities in the Donetsk People's Republic. Brief historical remark about the emergence of the problem of increasing the sustainability of the objects functioning is given.
The problems of ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of hazardous production facilities faced by the Donetsk People's Republic in the war time are noted. The main ones are named: rational distribution of productive forces; preparation of economic facilities for recovery after the impact of natural and man-made disasters, means of destruction of the enemy; organization of public administration in emergency conditions.
It is noted that it is possible to increase the sustainability of the functioning of hazardous facilities through the measures based on the provisions of the regulatory and scientific bases.
Quantitative analysis is given in the article concerning potentially hazardous facilities in the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as a description of the hazard classes of production facilities.
Considerable attention is paid to the sustainability of the functioning of hazardous production facilities and the reasons that impede its provision in the modern conditions. At present, ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of hazardous production facilities is complicated by the conduct of hostilities. It is proposed to introduce automated industrial safety management systems to increase the sustainability of the operation of hazardous production facilities and reduce the possible risks of emergency situations.
Potentially the most hazardous enterprises are indicated in terms of the threat of large-scale emergencies; the necessity of carrying out measures aimed at preventing the threat of emergency situations is emphasized.
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3. State Committee for Mining and Technical Supervision of the Donetsk People's Republic. Available at: (accessed: Jule 23, 2022). (In Russ.).
4. On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities: Law of DPR dated June 5, 2015, № 54-IHC. Available at: (accessed: Jule 23, 2022). (In Russ.).
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